Friday, June 07, 2013

25 Examples Of The Best Street Humour From Istanbul, Gezi Park (#occupygezi) Protests

25 Examples Of The Best Street Humour From Istanbul, Gezi Park (#occupygezi) Protests

In the past week, the peaceful sit-in protest against the demolition of Gezi Park for the construction of a shoppig mall in Istanbul has quickly turned into anti-government protests throughout Turkey as the police started and continued to use excessive force (lots and lots of tear gas and water cannons) against the initial and later-joining protesters. It is, of course, a challenging time for the Turkish citizens and many unfortune things like people getting killed and seriously injured have happened. The international media is covering these events extensively. The thing not so much covered, however, is the gallows humour that goes along with the protests. Various websites show different amounts of this humour. I took the liberty to gather a few of those and translate them roughly to English for your convenience. So, here are some of the most creative street writings from the Istanbul, Gezi Park protests. #occupygezi, #direngezi, #direnankara, #direnizmir, #bubirsivildirenis,

More:25 Examples Of The Best Street Humour From Istanbul, Gezi Park (#occupygezi) Protests