Saturday, February 02, 2013

US Ankara suicide bomber belonged to leftist group suspected of Burgas attack

US Ankara suicide bomber belonged to leftist group suspected of Burgas attack
DEBKAfile Special Report February 1, 2013, 6:41 PM (GMT+02:00)

Turkish interior minister Moammer Guler identified the suicide bomber who detonated an explosive Friday, Feb. 1 at the US embassy in Ankara killing a Turkish security guard as Ecevit Sanli, 31, a member of the Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C), a left-wing terrorist group outlawed in Turkey. He was released from Turkish jail eight months ago. debkafile: The DHKP/C, which is associated with Lebanese terrorist groups and Syrian left-wing factions, was suspected of the attack in Burgas, Bulgaria last July, which left five Israeli tourists dead.

More:US Ankara suicide bomber belonged to leftist group suspected of Burgas attack