Friday, October 26, 2012

Europe is turning away from Turkey – and the rest of the world | Orhan Pamuk | Comment is free | The Guardian

Europe is turning away from Turkey – and the rest of the world

Whatever happened to liberté, égalité, fraternité? Fear of Muslims is putting Europe's secular tradition at risk

Orhan Pamuk
The Guardian, Friday 26 October 2012 16.00 EDT

I have spent my entire life at the borders of continental Europe. From the window of my home or office, I've looked out over the Bosphorus to see Asia on the other side; and so, in thinking about Europe and modernity, I have always felt, like the rest of the world, just a little bit provincial.

More:Europe is turning away from Turkey – and the rest of the world | Orhan Pamuk | Comment is free | The Guardian