Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Turkish Airlines Jumps to 3-Month High on Profit: Istanbul Mover - Bloomberg

Turkish Airlines Jumps to 3-Month High on Profit: Istanbul Mover
By Selcuk Gokoluk - Sep 3, 2012 3:06 PM GMT+0300

Turk Hava Yollari (THYAO) AO, the carrier known as Turkish Airlines, jumped to the highest in more than three months after reporting it swung to a second-quarter profit.

The shares climbed as much as 2.5 percent before trading 1.7 percent higher at 3.66 liras by 1:58 p.m. in Istanbul, the strongest level since May 17.

More:Turkish Airlines Jumps to 3-Month High on Profit: Istanbul Mover - Bloomberg