Wednesday, August 15, 2012

EconoMonitor : The Kapali Carsi » Turkey: All quiet on the (south) western front

Turkey: All quiet on the (south) western front

It really is all quiet in Marmaris, where I am writing this column.

After a stellar start to the season, tourist arrivals dropped off sharply in the second half of July, and most hotels are only one-half to two-thirds full.

Here’s the intro. to last week’s latest Hurriyet Daily News (HDN) column, on the latest Turkish tourism developments, with another book/movie homage :) You can read the whole thing at the HDN website. I have several points to make, and I would like to start with a few of the dozen of the comments to the column:

More:EconoMonitor : The Kapali Carsi » Turkey: All quiet on the (south) western front