Friday, July 13, 2012

Classic Film Scenes as Ottoman Miniatures Fuse Cultures | Geekosystem

Classic Film Scenes as Ottoman Miniatures Fuse Cultures

classic films Murat Palta Ottoman miniatures

by Ted Johnson | 1:17 pm, July 12th, 2012

The artistic style of the Ottoman miniature originated in modern-day Turkey in the early 16th Century. Pulp Fiction originated in the twisted mind of Quentin Tarantino in 1990. Graphic designer and artist Murat Palta combines this and other films with the traditional Turkish style of illumination in his series “Classic Movies in Miniature Style” and the results are truly amazing. Hit the jump to see a gallery of a few highlights of the series.

More:Classic Film Scenes as Ottoman Miniatures Fuse Cultures | Geekosystem