Thursday, May 24, 2012

Turkey risks walking off the Nato tightrope - Telegraph

Turkey risks walking off the Nato tightrope

Turkey's efforts to have Israel and the EU barred from the Chicago Nato summit risk alienating the rest of the military alliance, writes Muddassar Ahmed.

By Muddassar Ahmed

3:17PM BST 24 May 2012

As the Nato summit in Chicago edges closer, organisers are still unsure how many name badges to print out. Turkey, the Nato member with the second-largest army after the United States, is manoeuvring to bar the EU and Israel from attending the summit, while calling for the inclusion of the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation (OIC). This series of last-minute demands highlights dramatic shifts, both within Nato's power structures and in terms of Turkey’s own foreign policy aspirations.
More:Turkey risks walking off the Nato tightrope - Telegraph