Friday, May 25, 2012

Istanbul: The original home of the tulip | Firstpost

Istanbul: The original home of the tulip

May 25, 2012

The word for Tulip in Turkish is 'Lale' a popular name for females even today, but the English word tulip was derived from ‘Tulbend’ the Turkish word for turban because of the shape of the flower.Reuters

By Kalpana Sunder

Baskets of aromatic spices, soaring minarets, the myriad waterways, mosques with exquisite domes and mystic whirling dervishes, this city has mesmerised me. But the surprise element has been the rows and rows of tulips…in varied hues and patterns adorning this photogenic city on water. A tulip festival…in Istanbul?

More:Istanbul: The original home of the tulip | Firstpost