Sunday, May 20, 2012

Israel Training Birds to Spy on Turkish Farmers, Says New Conspiracy Theory - Yigal Schleifer - International - The Atlantic

Israel Training Birds to Spy on Turkish Farmers, Says New Conspiracy Theory
By Yigal Schleifer

May 20 2012, 8:01 AM ET

Counterterrorism officials were called in after worried locals found a bird wearing a metal band reading "Israel."

Since the their rupture in the wake of the 2010 Mavi Marmara incident, Turkish-Israeli relations have been limping along, taking some hopeful steps forward and more worrying steps backwards. One of the problematic side effects of Turkey-Israel ties being stuck in the muck of mutual recrimination is that this state of affairs only strengthens a tendency among the Turkish public -- and, occasionally, Turkish officials -- to connect Israel to outlandish conspiracy theories. In recent years, for example, Turkish Islamists claimed a three-day heavy metal music festival in Istanbul was actually organized by a Mossad front and the head of Turkey's Higher Education Board (YOK) suggested that genetically modified tomato seeds bought from Israel could be "programmed" to harm Turks, if not destroy the whole Turkish nation.

More:Israel Training Birds to Spy on Turkish Farmers, Says New Conspiracy Theory - Yigal Schleifer - International - The Atlantic