Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bulgaria: Syria Blasts Turkey's Intention to Invoke NATO Article 5 - - Sofia News Agency

Syria Blasts Turkey's Intention to Invoke NATO Article 5
World | April 28, 2012, Saturday| 374 views

Bulgaria: Syria Blasts Turkey's Intention to Invoke NATO Article 5
US Senators John McCain (L) and Joe Lieberman (R) greet Syrian refugees during their visit to the Yayladagi refugee camp in Hatay, on the Turkish-Syrian border in Turkey 10 April 2012, a day after the cross-border incident of April 9. Photo by EPA/BGNES

The Syrian Foreign Ministry has accused Turkey of provocation with its talk of asking NATO to help protect its border with Syria, saying such action went against the UN-backed peace plan.

More:Bulgaria: Syria Blasts Turkey's Intention to Invoke NATO Article 5 - - Sofia News Agency