Monday, March 12, 2012

The ‘Istanbul Process’: A Success for Muslim Diplomacy - By David Pryce-Jones - David Calling - National Review Online

The ‘Istanbul Process’: A Success for Muslim Diplomacy
By David Pryce-Jones
March 12, 2012 4:13 P.M.

The ease with which Muslim diplomats outdo their Western opposite numbers is impressive. An outstanding example is the brilliance with which Iranian spokesmen vary the steady progress of the Iranian nuclear program with offers to negotiate. Apparently incapable of learning from their mistakes, Western representatives fall every time for this really rather simple deception. Muslim spokesmen are equally brilliant at exploiting international forums like the United Nations and its committees, or the Arab League, to misrepresent reality and lay a smokescreen of blame over the West. The European Union often gives the impression that it is an executive arm of the Palestine Liberation Organization.

More:The ‘Istanbul Process’: A Success for Muslim Diplomacy - By David Pryce-Jones - David Calling - National Review Online