Sunday, February 05, 2012

Turkish intervention in Somalia as selfish, says Al-Shabaab

Turkish intervention in Somalia as selfish, says Al-Shabaab

By ABDULKADIR KHALIFPosted Sunday, February 5 2012 at 14:41

The radical Islamist group Al-Shabaab has dismissed Turkish intervention in Somalia as selfish.

Sheikh Abdulkadir Mumin, a senior officer of the group opposing the Transitional Federal Government in Somalia, criticised the role of Turkey in Somalia saying their mission is to poison Somalis saying that the humanitarian foods and medicines brought to Somalia by Turkish agencies as expired ones. “They (the Turkish organisations) brought expired foods and medicines,” said Sheikh Mumin. “We warn the people from taking the stuffs.”

More:Africa Review - Turkish intervention in Somalia as selfish, says Al-Shabaab