Monday, January 09, 2012

Turkish Colonel, Journalist Fired over Kurdish Killings - Emerging Europe Real Time - WSJ

Turkish Colonel, Journalist Fired over Kurdish Killings

By Ayla Albayrak

Fallout from the Turkish military’s killing of 35 Kurdish civilians in an air strike at the Turkish-Iraqi border last month continues to claim victims. A journalist said she was fired for her coverage of the event and an officer involved was relieved of his post.

The journalist, Ece Temelkuran, said she was fired from her job as a columnist at the daily newspaper Haberturk because of the critical stance she took on the incident, in which Turkish air force jets killed diesel fuel and cigarette smugglers, many of them less than 17 years of age. The military said it believed the smugglers were insurgents from the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK.

More:Turkish Colonel, Journalist Fired over Kurdish Killings - Emerging Europe Real Time - WSJ