Monday, January 02, 2012

Darwin Clashes With the Quran in Turkey | Green Prophet

Julia Harte
Darwin Clashes With the Quran in Turkey
Julia Harte | January 2nd, 2012

Charles Darwin, the father of modern evolutionary theory, tried to reconcile his faith with his scientific observations about the origin of humans. But few religious fundamentalists in Turkey are willing to try the same: On November 22, the Turkish government instituted a new “Secure Internet” filtering system in the country. While a largely unfiltered version of the Internet is still available to the population, the new system offers two filters that did not previously exist: a “Child Profile” and a “Family Profile”. A few weeks ago, Turkish independent media network Bianet reported that all websites pertaining to Darwinian evolution are banned under the “Child Profile”.

More:Darwin Clashes With the Quran in Turkey | Green Prophet