Thursday, August 04, 2011

Dimitar Bechev: Turkey and the EU have no stimulus to unblock the negotiations

"Dimitar Bechev: Turkey and the EU have no stimulus to unblock the negotiations
Published: 11:50, Adelina Marini, Sofia

The facts in the negotiations process of EU with Turkey are brutal, commented Dimitar Bechev from the European Council on Foreign Relations, who was the second speaker in the discussion organised by euinside, the European Institute for Strategies and Policies|ESPI and StratCom on the topic Turkey And The EU: Formulas For Common Future. Each of the speakers spoke on a topic of their choice. The first speaker was Vladimir Shopov. Mr Bechev chose The EU And Turkish Foreign Policy - a very hot topic, given the level to which the zero-problems-with-the-neighbours policy, led by Turkey in the past 10 years, brought the country not only in the region but globally as well."

More:Dimitar Bechev: Turkey and the EU have no stimulus to unblock the negotiations