Saturday, June 04, 2011

Turkey’s Dams Are Violating Human Rights, UN Report Says | Green Prophet

"Turkey’s Dams Are Violating Human Rights, UN Report Says
Julia | June 4th, 2011

Turkish dams don’t just affect Turks — they cut off access to water in Iraq and Syria as well, forcing entire populations in those countries to resettle.

Hydropower seems like the perfect solution to Turkey’s escalating energy demand: a clean form of energy and an irrigation source that can be harnessed from the many rivers that flow through the country. But the real cost of hydropower in Turkey has long been apparent. Building a hydraulic dam requires acres of land around the site to be torn up and clear-cut, displacing local residents, destroying local habitats, and often submerging settlement sites that date back to ancient times."

More:Turkey’s Dams Are Violating Human Rights, UN Report Says | Green Prophet