Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Turkey The Sisyphus Of Europe?

"Turkey The Sisyphus Of Europe? – Analysis

Written by: FPIF
June 7, 2011

By Dominika Kruszewska

In Greek mythology, King Sisyphus was sentenced to eternal senseless labor as a punishment for insulting the gods. Until the end of time, he must push an enormous stone up the hill only to have it roll back over and over again. Ayşe Kasıoğlu, a Turkish professor of political science, has compared Turkey’s efforts to join the EU to Sisyphus’s fruitless labor. Turkey was granted candidate status in December 1999 — 50 years after it first applied for membership — but has managed 12 years later to close only one chapter of the accession negotiations. Despite uphill movement by Ankara, the stone keeps rolling back down again to block Turkey’s entrance to the EU."

More:Turkey The Sisyphus Of Europe? - Analysis