Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Is Brussels the loser in Turkey's elections? | European Voice

"Is Brussels the loser in Turkey's elections?
By Sinan Ülgen
15.06.2011 / 11:43 CET
The Turkish electorate clearly did not penalise the ruling party for the failure to make progress on EU accession.

Last Sunday, Turks gave Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan a clear mandate for another term in office. Erdoğan thus ensured his place in the history books as the most successful politician in the land. He has won three consecutive elections, increasing his share of the total vote each time. The ruling Justice and Development (AK) party came to power in 2002 with 34% of the national vote. With Erdoğan at the helm, the AK increased this to 47% in the elections in 2007 and 50% in those in 2011. "

More:Is Brussels the loser in Turkey's elections? | European Voice