Monday, June 06, 2011

Anti-Semitism Among Muslim Immigrants in Europe-by

"Anti-Semitism Among Muslim Immigrants in Europe


June 6, 2011 - San Francisco, CA - - It was a fairly unique conference in the German city of Cologne on May 29. A highly interesting topic was being discussed: 'Dimensions of Anti-Semitism in a Society of Immigrants.' The focus was largely on Muslim immigrants in Europe, notably in Germany, France and Britain. Within that Muslim immigrant community anti-Jewish sentiments are still fairly common. Anti-Semitism has been exported by these immigrants from their home countries to Europe. Anti-Semitism is deeply rooted in Muslim countries such as Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. Even Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad has recently been accused of being 'a Jew' by a number of his opponents, although the same Assad is a staunch enemy of both the Jews and Israel. "

More:Anti-Semitism Among Muslim Immigrants in Europe-by