Thursday, May 19, 2011

Turkey: AKP Faces Growing Challenge from Kurdish Unrest |

"Turkey: AKP Faces Growing Challenge from Kurdish Unrest
May 19, 2011 - 1:32pm, by Dorian Jones

Angry at detentions of Kurds in eastern Turkey, protesters square-off with police in Istanbul. (Photo: David Trilling)
Kurdish protesters challenge police outside an office of Turkey’s main Kurdish party, the BDP (Peace and Democracy Party) in Istanbul on May 16. During the past two months, police have detained more than 2,500 Kurds, many for protesting a suspension of BDP-supported candidates in the upcoming June elections that was later reversed. (Photo: David Trilling)

With just weeks to go before Turkey’s June 12 parliamentary vote, discontent among the country’s ethnic Kurdish minority is fostering political uncertainty for the governing Justice and Development Party. "

More:Turkey: AKP Faces Growing Challenge from Kurdish Unrest |