Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Turkish Cypriots stand up to be counted

"Turkish Cypriots stand up to be counted

By Nikos Konstandaras

The chasm between people and governments that has torn open the Arab world is reflected on Cyprus, where the Turkish Cypriots -- now a minority even on their part of the divided island -- are standing up to Turkey. After 36 years in the shadow of occupation forces and repeated disappointment in reunification talks, they now shout, “We want to be masters of our own home.” The Turkish Cypriots raised their voice against the motherland which since 1974 has provided them with billions of dollars and defends them with tens of thousands of soldiers, as PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan was quick to remind the “ingrates” after the first major protest on January 28."

More:ekathimerini.com | Turkish Cypriots stand up to be counted