Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Knocked up abroad: Turkish superstitions on pregnancy and children |

"Knocked up abroad: Turkish superstitions on pregnancy and children

by Meg Nesterov (RSS feed) on Mar 30th 2011 at 2:00PM
Turkish superstitionsBeing pregnant in a foreign country, even as a traveler, gives you a unique perspective into a culture, their beliefs and practices, and values. While I've been in Istanbul, I've found Turkish superstitions to apply to all aspects of life, pregnancy and children no exception. Over the past six months, I've heard a lot of interesting customs and beliefs, some of them wackier than others. Turks love babies and tend to be deferential towards pregnant women - I always get a seat on the train and am often offered help whether I need (or want) it or not. As a foreigner with a non-Turkish husband, I'll be exempt from many of these traditions, but enjoy learning about each of them."

More:Knocked up abroad: Turkish superstitions on pregnancy and children |