Friday, March 04, 2011

JURIST - Paper Chase: Turkish authorities arrest more journalists over alleged coup plot ties

"Turkish authorities arrest more journalists over alleged coup plot ties
Daniel Makosky at 2:16 PM ET

[JURIST] Turkish authorities on Thursday jailed an estimated 10 individuals, including several journalists, allegedly involved with aiding the Ergenekon coup plot [BBC backgrounder; JURIST news archive], amid continued foreign concerns for the treatment of journalists within the country. The arrests were carried out in conjunction with police raids in Ankara and Istanbul, during which authorities copied computer hard drives and confiscated notes from suspects' homes. The investigation's targets are suspected of having ties to the Ergenekon plot, an alleged plan to assassinate prominent members of Turkey's Christian and Jewish minority groups, blame Islamic terrorists for the deaths and use this to delegitimize the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) [party website]. Among those detained [AP report] were Nedim Sener, an investigative reporter for two major Turkish newspapers, and Dogan Yurdakul and Mumtaz Idil, employees of Oda TV [media website, in Turkish], an online news website that had been critical of the Turkish government and whose owner was arrested [JURIST report] along with two other journalists last month. "

More:JURIST - Paper Chase: Turkish authorities arrest more journalists over alleged coup plot ties