Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Turkey’s Regional Engagement: Navigating Through Problems in a Zero-Problems Paradigm

"Turkey’s Regional Engagement: Navigating Through Problems in a Zero-Problems Paradigm
by Jessie Daniels | October 26th, 2010

Visitors to Turkey are warned about developing a “Turkish muscle” – the extra belly fat that you get from eating too much Turkish food. Yet it’s the country’s desire to flex its foreign policy muscle that has, at times, proved worrisome. Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu’s “Zero-Problems” foreign policy, which emphasizes regional engagement and outlines an active role in promoting Turkey’s interests on the world stage, is a far cry from Turkey’s past practice of isolating itself from its neighbors. But some of its recent diplomatic forays under this policy, especially the nuclear fuel swap deal with Iran and renewed relations with Syria, have led some in the West to query whether we are losing Turkey."

More:Across the Aisle: The PSA Blog » Turkey’s Regional Engagement: Navigating Through Problems in a Zero-Problems Paradigm