Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bulgaria: Analyst: Turkey Forgot Bulgaria's 'Revival Process' - - Sofia News Agency

"Analyst: Turkey Forgot Bulgaria's 'Revival Process'
Bulgaria in EU | October 28, 2010, Thursday

Bulgaria's nationalist party Ataka wants to bring the country back to the 1980s, a Turkish political scientist has announced.

In an interview for Deutsche Welle, Prof. Birgul Demirtas-Djoshkun stated that the ideas of Ataka bring back Bulgaria years back in its development, in the times of the 'Revival Process,' the 1980s campaign of the Bulgarian Communist Party to assimilate both ethnic Bulgarian Muslims and ethnic Turks by forcing them to adopt Slavic-sounding names."

More:Bulgaria: Analyst: Turkey Forgot Bulgaria's 'Revival Process' - - Sofia News Agency