Sunday, August 01, 2010

“Cameron raises false hopes for Turkey’s EU bid”

"“Cameron raises false hopes for Turkey’s EU bid”
August 1st, 2010 | Posted in Opinion | Author: Editor

“Europe already has enough Islamic influence without adding Ankara…The Independent newspaper [recently] announced that ‘(David) Cameron used his Turkish visit to launch ferocious attack on Israel’. The Guardian reported that he ‘likened the experience of Palestinians in the blockaded Gaza Strip to that of a ‘prison camp’ “. Having just been to Washington, was the British Prime Minister doing a transmission job for US President Barack Obama? Probably not. This missive about Israel is surely not the one that Obama really wants to transmit now. After all, he did learn something from Bibi Netanyahu’s journey to the White House; and what he learned was that the Palestinians aren’t exactly ready to negotiate with anyone . . . unless the outcome is settled in advance and gives them everything. I suspect that Cameron was freelancing on this one. But I’m not sure that Cameron was working the Turkish street on his own in telling an Ankara audience that he was desperate for the European Union to take them in. For some inexplicable reason, Obama shares his enthusiasm and has since he spent three days in Turkey on his first presidential journey abroad. Of course, this is not how the rest of Europe feels. In fact, much of Europe believes there is more than enough Islam in its body politic. Yes, some of this is racist politics. But the great groundswell is in the liberal and tolerant conservative traditions. The more Muslims in the society, the more reactionary the curbs on freedom will be: personal freedoms, community freedoms, intellectual freedoms. The more Muslims in the society, the more democratic values will be on the ropes”"

More:“Cameron raises false hopes for Turkey’s EU bid”