Friday, May 21, 2010

The Turkey-Iran Nuke Deal

"The Turkey-Iran Nuke Deal
Melik Kaylan, 05.20.10, 05:10 PM EDT
There may be peace now, but how long can it possibly last?

What on earth is Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan up to with his unasked-for meddling in the Iranian nuclear negotiations? About the other meddler, Brazilian President Lula da Silva, one cannot wax quite as shrill--who would care if Brazil, in solo triumph, announced such a grandstanding deal to the world? No, the presence of Turkey gives a critical edge of credibility to the farce, enough to cast a shadow on the main effort to contain Iran's nukes by the U.S., Europe and other superpowers--as if that consensus were not wobbly enough. As Iran's neighbor, if Turkey won’t sign on to the very notion of embargoes (until too late) then the international initiative to isolate Iran doesn’t exist. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu is now openly saying that 'there is no more ground for new sanctions and pressures.'"

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