Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ignore Turkey and Brazil: Iran Sanctions Are A Go

"Ignore Turkey and Brazil: Iran Sanctions Are A Go
May 19, 2010 - 9:51 am

Mark DubowitzBio
Mark Dubowitz is Executive Director of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, and leads the Foundation’s Iran Energy Project

Just as the momentum behind U.S. energy sanctions against Iran shifted into high gear, Turkey and Brazil this week tried to downshift with a much ballyhooed nuclear-fuel swap deal. Could Iran’s energy sector be open for business soon?
Not so fast: The permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany (P5+1) treated the swap deal with deserved skepticism, and the U.S. announced Tuesday that it had reached a deal with its other P5+1 partners including holdouts China and Russia on U.N. sanctions against Iran.
As the UN track moves forward, don't forget about Congress. We can expect a Congressional conference committee to produce a final bill that targets the Iranian energy sector with tough sanctions. That bill should receive overwhelming bipartisan support and glide toward a final presidential signature."

More:FGC BOLSA -FGC FINANCIAL MARKETS: Forbes: Business Ignore Turkey and Brazil: Iran Sanctions Are A Go. May 19th, 2010