Monday, March 29, 2010

Turkey on the Brink

"Turkey on the Brink

Country plagued with resurgent Islamism, Mafia-style organized crime, import-brides, arranged marriages, inbreeding, polygamy, prostitution and honor-killings


March 29, 2010 - San Francisco, CA - -

The current Turkish government led by prime minister Recep Tayyib Erdogan seeks to expand its influence through Turks living abroad. An important conference was recently held in Istanbul where 15,00 people from Turkish descent from several European countries listened to Erdogan and other speakers. All expenses were paid by the Turkish government. Erdogan repeated his controversial 2008 statement: 'Assimilation is a crime against humanity.' Another speaker went even further saying: 'We need to innoculate European culture with Turkish culture.'"

More:Turkey on the Brink-by