Thursday, February 25, 2010

Turkey: Political Turmoil Isn't Helping the Lira -- Seeking Alpha

"Turkey: Political Turmoil Isn't Helping the Lira 3 comments
by: Soner Kistak February 25, 2010
Soner Kistak picture Soner Kistak

Turkey, a country of secular tradition, is currently experiencing political turmoil. The two sides to the political conflict are Turkey's secular establishment (consists of the Kemalist military and judiciary) and mildly Islamist government of Tayyip Erdogan's AKP party (which is a loose coalition of conservatives supported by secretive islamists brotherhoods). Although PM Erdogan has been somewhat supported by the West for being a reformer, he has not shied away from pursuing overtly Islamist policies both domestically and internationally."

More:Turkey: Political Turmoil Isn't Helping the Lira -- Seeking Alpha