Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Istanbul: Dimitrie Cantemir, “The Book of the Science of Music” and the Sephardic and Armenian musical traditions – Hesperion XXI/ Jordi Savall, director – AliaVox - Audiophile Audition

"Istanbul: Dimitrie Cantemir, “The Book of the Science of Music” and the Sephardic and Armenian musical traditions – Hesperion XXI/ Jordi Savall, director – AliaVox

It certainly cannot be an easy thing to try and reproduce music from the Ottoman Empire as found in Istanbul at the turn of the seventeenth century, and Jordi Savall even admits that this music was probably played quite differently from what you hear on this disc. Scoring is also a problem, as are tempos. But listening to this I think that Hesperion XXI has been successful enough to give us a good flavor of a music that until now has not been very well known or even researched. Savall himself only came across it in 1999, and has been studying assiduously since then."

More:Istanbul: Dimitrie Cantemir, “The Book of the Science of Music” and the Sephardic and Armenian musical traditions – Hesperion XXI/ Jordi Savall, director – AliaVox - Audiophile Audition