Thursday, September 24, 2009

Talat calls on US to push for a solution

"Talat calls on US to push for a solution
By Simon Bahceli

A HIGH-LEVEL special US representative should be appointed to help mediate a Cyprus settlement, Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat told his audience at the Council on Foreign Relations CFR), a Washington-based think-tank yesterday.

He added that Cyprus reunification talks would go nowhere without a clear timeframe and the intervention of the international community, including the US.

“By saying he will not allow timeframes, mediation, or the participation of the international community, [President Demetris] Christofias might as well be saying he doesn’t want a solution to the Cyprus problem.

“He might as well end it here,” Talat said at the think-tank that boasts congressmen, global leaders and prominent thinkers among its participants."

More: Cyprus Mail