Saturday, August 15, 2009

All aboard the Anatolia 'Express'

"All aboard the Anatolia 'Express'
It isn't fast, but the Güney Expresi affords passengers a view of another Turkey altogether.
By Nichole Sobecki
Published: August 15, 2009 11:52 ET
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ISTANBUL — According to legend, the Germans were paid by the kilometer to build most of Turkey’s railways, making the routes anything but direct.

Returning to Istanbul from a recent reporting trip in Turkey’s notorious southeast, I decided to take the Güney Expresi, a ramshackle, old train owned by the Turkish national TRCC. Stopping in towns and villages en route, the train takes 40 hours to wind its way along a dizzying path of over 1,000 miles of track, as it slowly makes its way across Anatolia."

More:All aboard the Anatolia 'Express' | GlobalPost