Sunday, July 12, 2009

Refugee protection in Turkey

"Refugee protection in Turkey
by Rachel Levitan
(Sunday, July 12, 2009)

The provision of independent legal representation for asylum seekers in Turkey is proving a vital component in improving refugee status determination procedures.

Every year, thousands of people from over 40 countries come to Turkey seeking asylum. However, since Turkey imposes a ‘geographic limitation’ on the 1951 Refugee Convention, refugees from countries outside Europe are not eligible to receive international protection from the Turkish government. Instead, they must turn to UNHCR for protection. Refugees must also apply for ‘temporary asylum’ from the Turkish authorities for permission to remain in Turkey while UNHCR evaluates their claims. During that period, they are required to live in one of 30 ‘satellite cities’ throughout Turkey, and need police permission to travel outside the city. When their cases are decided, either they are granted refugee status and resettled in another country (such as the US, Canada or Australia) or their application is denied and they must leave Turkey."

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