Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rival Islamist Groups Vie for the Support of Southeast Turkey’s Conservative Kurdish Population - The Jamestown Foundation

"Rival Islamist Groups Vie for the Support of Southeast Turkey’s Conservative Kurdish Population

By: Wladimir van Wilgenburg

The enigmatic figure of Fethullah Gulen, a Turkish-born U.S. resident who runs an extensive Islamic movement in Turkey, has been warned by the Kurdish Hezbollah (Hezbollahi Kurdi - HK) against making further statements critical of Hezbollah. [1] Gulen recently argued that the Kurdistan Workers Party (Partiya Karkeren Kurdistan - PKK) and other terrorist organizations were formed by the Turkish “deep state,” but went out of control. The Turkish “deep state” (derin devlet) is a clandestine ultra-nationalist alliance alleged to include notable members of the Turkish media, armed forces, judiciary, organized crime and security services."

More:Rival Islamist Groups Vie for the Support of Southeast Turkey’s Conservative Kurdish Population - The Jamestown Foundation