Monday, February 16, 2009

Obama’s emissaries are going around the Balkans

"Obama’s emissaries are going around the Balkans

Дата: 16 February 2009 :: 11:13:19

The emissaries of the US president Barack Obama arrived in Nicosia yesterday to meet the Cyprian leaders, in order to discuss the possibilities for progressing towards uniting the island. The delegation is leaded by the senator from Illinois Richard Darbin, who is accompanies by the finance minister of the State Alexis Yanoulis, American with Greek origin, whose close friendship with Obama is frequently stressed by the Greek media.

The messengers of Barack Obama will talk in Nicosia with the Cyprian president Dimistris Hristofias, in Athens with the Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis and with the Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyanni. Senator Darbin will also go to Turkey, accompanied with the chairman of the Congressional Study Group on Turkey and congressman of Florida Richard Wexler. In Ankara, they will be greeted by the President Abdilah Gul, and in Istanbul by the ecumenical patriarch Vartolomey."

More:Obama’s emissaries are going around the Balkans