Saturday, December 27, 2008

Iraq's Ergenekon And The PKK

"Iraq's Ergenekon And The PKK
Published: 12/26/2008

STAR- A security agreement signed last month between the US and Iraq is a harbinger of things to come. As I`ve written before, it is an important agreement which will have a deep impact on Turkey, particularly on the concept of fighting terrorism and the Middle East policy. What made the agreement important was transferring control of the airspace from the US to the Iraqi government as of January 1 and setting a date for the withdrawal of US soldiers from Iraq by the end of 2011. This development created a historic opportunity for Turkey. The new era which started with the National Security Council`s (NSC) statement this April that it would be beneficial to continue consultations with all Iraqi groups and formations was strengthened by this pact."

More:Iraq's Ergenekon And The PKK