Monday, November 24, 2008

What do midwives in one region in Turkey know about cold chain?

"What do midwives in one region in Turkey know about cold chain?
Author: Efe E | Oncel S | Ozer ZC

Source: Midwifery. 2008 Sep;24(3):328-34.

Abstract: OBJECTIVE: to discover what midwives in one region in Turkey know about cold-chain equipment. DESIGN: a descriptive interview study. SETTING: primary health-care units in Antalya, Turkey. PARTICIPANTS: 340 midwives working in 35 primary health-care units between March and April 2005. FINDINGS: all participants were women and their mean age was 34 years (standard deviation [SD]=5.24). Eighty (23.5%) of the midwives had worked for 10 years or less, 109 (32.1%) for 11-15 years, and 151 (44.4%) for 16 years or more."

More:One Source Record