Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Turkish analyst: South Caucasus is a new target for NATO and EU

"Turkish analyst: South Caucasus is a new target for NATO and EU
22.10.2008 18:31 GMT+04:00 Print version Send to mail In Russian In Armenian

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Caucasus had been on the agenda in the first half of 2008 due to the instability in the region during and after the elections in Armenia and Georgia. The Caucasus dominated the world’s attention in the second half of 2008 with its elections issues, their potential impact on Azerbaijan, and solution initiatives for the frozen conflicts, analyst Mitat Celikpala wrote in an editorial in the Turkish Daily News."

More:Armenian News - PanARMENIAN.Net | Armenian News Agency - Turkish analyst: South Caucasus is a new target for NATO and EU