Friday, August 01, 2008

Turkey on a tightrope, but has not fallen

"Turkey on a tightrope, but has not fallen

IT’S NOT just Tayyip Erdogan and Abdullah Gul who are breathing a sigh of relief at the Turkish Constitutional Court’s decision not to ban their AK party, and them personally, from politics. Many in Turkey – and not just the 47 per cent of the population who voted for the AKP – will be grateful that a plunge into uncertainty has been avoided.

Here in Cyprus, the wide coverage given to the story is an indication of the concern its impact could have had on efforts to reunify the island. A ban on the AKP, which has shown considerable pragmatism on Cyprus, and a parallel resurgence of the military-backed nationalist secular elite, would have dashed hopes of Turkey endorsing the slightest compromise on Cyprus."

More: Cyprus-mail