Friday, August 01, 2008

Nobody conspires against Turkey:

"Nobody conspires against Turkey:
Letters to the editor
Thursday, July 31, 2008

As a foreigner living his fifth year in Turkey, I was grateful for Mustafa Akyol's excellent criticism pointed out in his article, 'Why the CIA funds me and other nonsense.' (July 24)

I came to Turkey from Finland in 2004 to teach at the Boğaziçi University (BU) and I lectured on sociology and comparative education to over 1,500 Turkish students until January when I left to work for a private company as consultant in EU/WB development aid projects in Turkey. I was astonished how the great majority of my students were reflecting exactly the mentality of criticizing the leading political party for destroying Turkey and turning it into a religious state (with the help of evil foreign powers, of course)."

mORE:Internation Musing: Istanbul, Athens, Amsterdam, Patra, Utrecht, Thessaloniki and Cary, NC - USA: Nobody conspires against Turkey: