"The US, the AKP and the EU
Published: 7/21/2008
SABAH- How have two years of dizzying political developments affected our country's image? The best answer is this: People are very confused. But we can talk about two different general points of views. On the one hand are some who see political developments in Turkey as a struggle between Islamism and secularism. This large group, arguing on the basis of faulty logic, comes to such mistaken conclusions as 'Islamism is winning' or 'secularism is resisting.' The other group is made up of Western interpreters who look more closely. They go into Anatolia to take the pulse of the people, instead of just watching the bickering in Ankara and talking to a few analysts who are disconnected from the public. After doing this, they have no trouble seeing that the tension in Turkey isn't between Islamism and secularism, but between the public and the regime."
More:The US, the AKP and the EU