Tuesday, July 29, 2008

UN, Nato, EU, OSCE condemn bombings in Turkey - Bulgaria and the World news

"UN, Nato, EU, OSCE condemn bombings in Turkey
11:48 Tue 29 Jul 2008 - Spasena Baramova

The United Nations, Nato, European Union and the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) condemned the bombings that took place in Turkey's largest city of Istanbul on the night of July 27 2008.

The two explosions killed 17 people and injured over 150 in the worst attack against civilians in the country since 2003. The bombs went off at about 10pm in the busy Gungoren neighbourhood in Istanbul. The second blast, which took place several minutes after the first one and some reportedly 50 meters away, was the more powerful of the two."

More:UN, Nato, EU, OSCE condemn bombings in Turkey - Bulgaria and the World news