Tuesday, July 29, 2008

British Unleash Ergenekon Network To Destroy Turkey and Its Peace Role

"British Unleash Ergenekon Network To Destroy Turkey and Its Peace Role

by Dean Andromidas

The nation of Turkey has been rocked by the indictment of a criminal network, the Ergenekon, for planning a military coup against the government, in an investigation that is only comparable to those conducted in Italy into the notorious P-2 Masonic Lodge and the Gladio NATO-linked 'stay behind' networks responsible for Italian terrorism in the 1980s and 1990s. These revelations occur at a time when Turkey is playing a key role in mediating peace talks between Israel and Syria, and taking major initiatives with Iraq and Iran that directly counter British efforts to launch another Southwest Asia war."

More:British Unleash Ergenekon Network To Destroy Turkey and Its Peace Role