Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Who Will the Turks Cheer Now? - TIME

"Who Will the Turks Cheer Now?
Wednesday, Jun. 25, 2008 By ANDREW PURVIS / BERLIN

The horns started sounding in the streets of Berlin eight hours before the opening whistle blew. For the better part of a week, German black, red and gold flags sprouted from car windows, clothes lines, window sills right across Germany. In Berlin, the schnell-bahn rapid transit line was taken over by chanting fans, draped in national colors, swigging half-liter bottles of beer and singing for their teams victory. One half a million Berliners converged on the Brandenburg Gate in the historic center of the old capital to watch the game on giant screens. As in 2006, when Berlin hosted soccer's World Cup, a country not given to displays of national pride (since the Second World War) allowed itself to feel good about being German."

More:Who Will the Turks Cheer Now? - TIME