Monday, May 26, 2008

EU shouldn't interfere in our business - Turkish Daily News May 26, 2008

"EU shouldn't interfere in our business
Monday, May 26, 2008


Turkey takes a controversial turn in the process of full membership to the European Union. Yet, how this, which we are trying for almost a half century, will be concluded is unknown. Although EU officials say this is normal, if we ask this to an ordinary citizen we realize that people are getting indifferent toward relations with the EU as officials shrug their shoulder to the questions. According to European diplomats, Turkey has to do a lot for full EU membership.I will focus on a critical point in this article, rather than bilateral relations. And it is that there is too much EU interference in our internal matters; or in other words, they're getting “more involved in Turkey's internal affairs.” "

More:EU shouldn't interfere in our business - Turkish Daily News May 26, 2008