Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Democracy More than Just Elections by Craig Chamberlain

"...Another example is Turkey. Ever since the AKP came to power there has been an undermining of the rule of law. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Erdogan is nothing more than Bin Laden in a business suit. He might differ in tactics but he doesn't differ at all in his goals from the terrorist leader. The Turkish constitution explicitly makes Turkey a secular republic, with no offical religion and strict seperation of religion and government. Under Erdogan these provisions are being undone. Women, once forbidden to wear headscarves in government buildings or schools are now permitted to do so, and it probably won't be long before they are forced to do so. Already there are reports of women being attacked by men for not being properly covered. (I guess having acid thrown in your face is how the religion of peace expresses displeasure at your wardrobe.) It's pretty obvious that these attacks would not be happening if the scum attacking these women didn't feel emboldened by government actions and felt confident that they could get away with it."

More:Democracy More than Just Elections by Craig Chamberlain