Friday, March 28, 2008

The EarthTimes: Anti-Islam film fails to provoke Dutch Muslims

For the complete report from The EarthTimes click on this link

Anti-Islam film fails to provoke Dutch Muslims

In the crowded shopping streets of Lombok in the fourth largest Dutch city, Muslims appeared much less motivated to take action against Wilders. Friday's shopping continued as usual. "No, we are not talking about Fitna," a man standing among a large group of Muslims standing outside a local mosque after prayers on Friday, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa. "We are talking about my new car. That's really more important than some film by a Dutch legislator about the Koran."

Dutch Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists seem to have found a common denominator: EU Citizenship, Democracy, and Free Enterprise. It might not be perfect, but its better than cutting each others throat or having some fanatic blow up your family.