Saturday, March 29, 2008

Another setback for Greece, another win for the Turk | Domina Graecia

"Another setback for Greece, another win for the Turk

By txenos | March 29, 2008

The long-awaited European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) judgment on the “Turkiki enosi Xanthis” (Turkish association of Xanthi) has been issued and Greece is the loser. The judgment (see press release) is in favor of the “Turks” of western Thrace, who now have the right to begin flaunting “Turkish associations” everywhere in the sensitive region of Greece bordering Turkey. Greek courts had prohibited the use of the word “Turkish” in relation to Muslim-only associations in Greek Thrace and Ankara’s agents smartly went to the ECHR to teach the Greek “oppressors” a lesson, which they did."

More:Another setback for Greece, another win for the Turk | Domina Graecia