Friday, February 29, 2008

Turkish company eyes Kremikovtzi - minister - Business news

"Turkish company eyes Kremikovtzi - minister
16:11 Fri 29 Feb 2008 - Elena Koinova

A Turkish company has confirmed its interest to become a strategic investor in the Kremikovtzi steel mill, Bulgarian Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov told members of Parliament (MPs) on February 29, BTA reported.

Asked when the steelworks would pay workers' salaries, Dimitrov said that the ministry and the mill's management would do everything possible to defer current liabilities for an indefinite period. He expressed concern, though, that in this way the mill would accrue new debt that would most likely be transferred to the new owner of Kremikovtzi. A bigger debt burden would only further cut the chances to sell on the steel mill for a fair price, Dimitrov said."

More:Turkish company eyes Kremikovtzi - minister - Business news